Send Us Your Best Story/Question/Comment For This Week's Live Episode of Mailtime At The Stand

Louis CK. Bill Burr. Tracey Morgan. Artie Lange. Jim Gaffigan.

All way way way more talented people than me that have performed at The Stand before. So thats where all the Stoolies come in. Some of the best episodes in the history of the podcasts have been Mailbox episodes where we take your ridiculous questions and read out your preposterous stories. One of the best moments in the history of the show was the chick who told a Stoolie “You smell like my dad when he drinks” after they had sex. I still think about that girl every single day of my life.

If we’re taking this show to a legit comedy club in Manhattan, we’re gonna need some more of those gems. So hit up the Mailtime Mailbox and submit your questions/stories/comments/whatever. All submissions can be anonymous, or you can leave your name/twitter handle if you want the shoutout. The show is this Thursday so get your emails in over the course of the next couple days.


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